Thursday, 4 June 2015

Prepare Each Section Well to Ace the GMAT Test

GMAT refers to the Graduate Management Admission Test, which is an online test for students aspiring to become an MBA. On the basis of their GMAT score, they are admitted into premier universities.
The test is divided into four sections - Verbal, Analytical Writing Assessment, Integrated Reasoning and Quantitative. Test aspirants may register online or by calling one of the test centers.
Crack the GMAT Verbal section by developing a healthier, more-friendly attitude towards English Grammar, a subject you may have dreaded back in your school days. You get 75 minutes to complete this section, which can make or break your chances of admission to a top-notch B-school. Certain strategies have to be applied for tackling the trick questions hence devote some time to understand the pattern of questions.
Audio Visual Lessons can help you grasp the information faster. This technique improves your Sentence Correction, GMAT Critical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension skills. If the test can be given online, then why not prepare for it in the same way. The interactive user face allows you to prepare for the exam in a new and improved way. The interactive audio visual content and full length IR mock tests help aspirants understand the concepts better.
The Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) comprises of two 30 minute essays. The first essay may ask you to analyze an argument while the second asks you to analyze an issue. There is no specific order so any one can be asked first. The scores of the essay is not included in the final score which is calculated from 200-800. The AWA part of the test is scored separately, and is sent to the universities you have selected.
The Integrated Reasoning section comprises of 12 questions in total. It consists of four question types, which involve analyzing and synthesizing data in different formats and from multiple sources. You have 30 minutes to complete this section.
The Quantitative section measures the ability to reason quantitatively, interpreting graphic data and solving quantitative problems. The quantitative section will consist of 37 multiple choice questions that have to be answered within 75 minutes. Problem-Solving and Data-Sufficiency questions will be mixed throughout this section. The score scale is 0-60. Be thorough with algebra, elementary, arithmetic and commonly known concepts of geometry.
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